Friday, March 30, 2012

High Holy Days

Sunday will be a whirl-wind day at Seneca Presbyterian Church - along with all other Christian churches. It is the day we remember the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem - complete with palms and great festivity. I imagine some places can also manage the donkey, too.  Palm Sunday is the event that begins Holy Week - the "high holy days" of the Christian faith. During this week, we remember the final events of the life of Jesus. If we walk them faithfully and spiritually, we re-experience the heart of our faith: the overwhelming, foolishly extravagant love of our amazing God.Our Presbyterian brothers and sisters in Oconee County have a tradition for doing just that. We gather for worship each evening during Holy Week. It is a difficult tradition to keep, but well worth the effort.

The bookend events of Holy Week are the exciting ones - full of celebration and life. The ones in-between are the hard ones, full of betrayal and death. We can celebrate just the "easy" ones - but if you are looking for a faith that works even in the hard days; if you want to marvel at what humanity in all its sin will do to silence even God's love and what God will say in return, then walk the journey of Holy Week. Open up yourself to all it means and allow yourself to be changed.

At Seneca Presbyterian, as we begin Holy Week, we will once again consider the Apostle Paul's understanding of the cross. These past weeks, our texts have come from Paul's correspondence to the Christians in Corinth. Sunday we will look a bit more at the relationship Paul had with them along with the challenges that came with it. We will explore Paul's understanding of power and then contemplate how Jesus used power on Palm Sunday. As it is a first Sunday, we will be blessed with the celebration of the sacrament of communion as we conclude this first opportunity to worship during our "high holy days." Won't you join us?

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