Friday, June 1, 2012

The Household of God

Beginning this Sunday at Seneca Presbyterian Church, we are going to spend six weeks together with the Lord's Prayer. That seems strange to say, doesn't it? How can you put a limit on time spent with the Lord's Prayer? As the model prayer Jesus gave us, we never cease our relationship with these simple, holy, and powerful words. Yet as we spend six weeks together focusing on the images and truths behind these words, it is my prayer that our relationship with them will deepen and our understanding will grow. And we will change. We will become more attuned to dreaming God's dream and sharing God's vision.

Along the way, we will need to find ways to continue the discipline of prayer, realizing that it is a life-long journey of transformation whose ultimate goal is to conform our will - our hopes, dreams, desires - to God's will. Not simply in words, but in heart and spirit and deed.

There are so many resources available to us as we engage this study. I mention three now. First, there is William Barclay's simply titled: Insights: The Lord's Prayer. Next would be N. T. Wright's The Lord and His Prayer. And finally, at least for now, is John Dominic Crossan's The Greatest Prayer.

So let's begin at the beginning. Let me ask you:
  • Why do you pray? 
  • When do you pray? 
  • How do you envision God as you pray? 
  • What do you pray for and how do you expect to be answered? 
  • How do you listen?


  1. I'll start.
    I pray when I feel a need, when I am asked to, and when I feel grateful.

    Usually several times a day.

    Huh, I never thought of this.

    I pray for healing, safety for my loved ones, because I am thankful, for others who need help, peace or something else. I pretty much leave the answering to Him.

    I guess mostly in the results. Many times I don't really think about this either...

    Great questions.

  2. The listening part is the hardest for me. While waiting I become impatient and am off on MY own agenda. Yet I know God has a faithful ear to my desires and needs so it is rare that I grow weary of talking with him.
    I pray anytime, anywhere, but my favorite is when I am outside just being with God, then comes waking and being thankful for safety through the night and asking for guidance to do his will for that day. Praying is the best gift one can give to me and I can be privileged to give another. It calms me anad puts a smile in my heart.
